Kidulthood is a British drama film revolved around the life of several teenagers in Ladbroke Grove (West London). The main purpose of the movie is to make us as an audience aware of troubles teenagers face and things which influence them. Each character faces their own problems and in the movie we are made aware of the different decisions each character makes.
Many props are used in the movie to connote the genre such as guns, baseball bats, drugs, alcohol, money etc. These are such things which symbolise fashion items and stereotypically in the eyes of teenagers, “cool”. These certain props are used in order to illustrate things which influence teenagers in a sense that kids grow up in these kinds of atmospheres.
Stereotypically if you were to imagine a teenager’s appearance you would seem to think tracksuits, sports jackets, jeans, trainers, baseball caps, earrings etc. These kinds of clothing purposely connote the characters personality and what to expect in the film.
The use of lighting isn’t really over the top as they want the movie to have a realistic feel. Low key lighting is mainly used and dark lighting effects are introduced in order to emphasize the scene and the mood. Things such as parties, brawls, arguments are all involved and used in dark lighting to create tension. The dark lighting could also symbolize evil, death etc. And by putting these kinds of ideas in the audience’s heads it begins to hook them in.
The movie is set in West London, Ladbroke Grove. I think it was set there a lot of violence arises in that area and this movie is made in order to re-enforce the kinds of things that happen there.
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